Photonics Packaging

Thu, 24.02.2022, Alpnach OW Overbooked


Precision Assembly in Photonics Packaging

During this workshop, which will be conducted as a joint event from Swissphotonics, the IEEE EPS chapter Switzerland and CSEM, we will look into precision assembly solutions from the industry and from development partners. Whether it be an active or a passive assembly of photonics components, it requires in many cases precision alignment of e.g. lasers, waveguides, detectors and lenses. Worldwide initiatives are underway to standardize assembly and integrate functionalities into photonic circuits. However, given the large diversity of materials used in photonics applications, in still many cases packaging solutions often necessitate custom hybrid packages. We are looking forward to bring topics to the discussion, like about common assembly strategies and e.g. trade-offs between active vs. passive alignment, hermetic vs. non-hermetic, etc. Participants will have the opportunity to submit requests and specific questions before the workshop.

Target public
R & D, companies (from SMEs to LMEs) and researchers generically interested to expand their view in the field of photonic packaging and seeking a networking environment to discuss solutions.

10:15 Registrations, Welcome Coffee
10:30 Lab/Showroomtour CSEM in Groups (max. 60 participants)
11:30 Lunch until 12:45
13:00 Opening & welcome
  Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mohrdiek
  Rony Jose James
  Dr. Christian Bosshard
13:15 Photonics Packaging
  Photonics Packaging Concepts Dr. Christoph Harder
  Landscape for photonics packaging services Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mohrdiek
13:45 Requirements and examples from industry
  Photonic Integrated Circuits requirements on integration and assembly Dr. Thomas Hessler
  Laser Diode Assembly - from Single Emitter VCSEL to High Power Laser Bars Stefan Weiß
  Automating in Photonics Dr. Guido Bonati
14:45 Networking Break
15:15 Solutions and approaches
  Laser induced soldering Andreas Walser
  Microtechnology assembly approaches Prof. Dr. Tobias Lamprecht
  Sub-micron assembly of photonic components Dr. Ivan-Lazar Bundalo
16:15 Discussion of topics, all presenters & moderator
16:45 Apéro

Thursday, 24 February 2022

10:15 - 18:30

microPark Pilatus
Industriestrasse 23
6055 Alpnach-Dorf OW
Six minutes walk from Alpnach train station.
No parking spaces available.

Covid rules
We apply 2g geimpft oder genesen (recovered or vaccinated) with on-site control and with mask requirement, subject to legal changes.

This workshop is free of charge

Registration compulsory
This workshop is free of charge, but registration is required. Please indicate in the comments field if you would like to attend the Lab/Showroom Tour and Lunch. If you would like to register more than one participant, please fill for each an individual form.
The workshop is limited to 100 participants. Overbooked

Contact CSEM SA
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mohrdiek
SPPL - Swiss Photonic Packaging Lab

Contact Swissphotonics
Dr. Christoph S. Harder
President Swissphotonics
+41 79 219 90 51

28 February 2022, Beni Muller + Iris Bollinger + Olivia Müller
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mohrdiek; Head functional packaging CSEM SA, 6055 Alpnach-Dorf OW
Rony Jose James; Chair IEEE Electronics Packaging Society EPS Chapter Switzerland, c/o CSEM SA, 6055 Alpnach-Dorf OW
Co-Moderator Jose James
Dr. Christian Bosshard; Managing Director Swissphotonics, 8832 Wollerau SZ
Co-Moderator Bosshard
Dr. Christoph Harder; President Swissphotonics, 8832 Wollerau SZ
Photonics Packaging Concepts
Dr. -Ing.Stefan Mohrdiek; Head functional packaging CSEM SA, 6055 Alpnach-Dorf OW
Landscape for photonics packaging services Mohrdiek
Dr. Thomas Hessler; Director, Member of the Board of Ligentec SA, 1024 Ecublens VD
Photonic Integrated Circuits requirements on integration and assembly Hessler
Stefan Weiß; Manager Chip Assembly and Testing at ii-vi Laser Enterprise GmbH, 8045 Zürich
Laser Diode Assembly - from Single Emitter VCSEL to High Power Laser Bars Weiss
Dr. Guido Bonati; CTO FISBA AG, 9016 St. Gallen
Automating in Photonics Bonati
Andreas Walser; CEO & founder ESP-Engineering GmbH, 9055 Bühler AR
Laser induced soldering Walser
Prof. Dr. Tobias Lamprecht; Professor of Microtechnology at Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences OST, 9471 Buchs SG
Microtechnology assembly approaches Lamprecht
Dr. Ivan-Lazar Bundalo; Senior R&D Engineer at CSEM SA, 6055 Alpnach-Dorf OW
Sub-micron assembly of photonic components Bundalo
Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |