Neuromorphic Photonics - Complex Lasers: from control to neuromorphic computation

Thu, 27.04.2023, EPFL Lausanne

We invite to a workshop on

Neuromorphic Photonics

EPFL and Swissphotonics are organizing a two-day workshop on Neuromorphic Photonics to take place at EPFL in Lausanne Switzerland on 27-28.4.2023. Usually these workshops attract an audience of about 40-60 people with a strong industry participation and are a good occasion for stimulating discussions. Whereas the first day deals with Complex Lasers, the second day is devoted to Optical Computing

Day 1 - Complex Lasers: from control to neuromorphic computation 
Day one of this two-day workshop focuses on lasers. We will cover theory and experimental evidence relating to individual lasers and coupled modes in nanolasers. We will also discuss complex laser networks and laser controls, and how this may be used to implement photonic neuromorphic computing. The first day is organized by Riccardo Sapienza (Imperial College London) and Kirsten Moselund (EPFL and PSI) in the framework of our joint project CORAL

The participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory, separately for the two days!

Welcome coffee 9h00 coffee - croissants 9h45
Welcome (Kirsten/Chris) 9h50 10h00
Riccardo Sapienza, Imperial College London 10h00 10h25 + 5min Q&A
Neda Ghofraniha, Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Rome 10h30 10h55 + 5 min Q&A
Rasmus Ellebæk Christiansen, DTU 11h00 11h25 + 5 min Q&A
  noon lunch break  
Nikolaos Farmakidis, Oxford 13h15 13h40 + 5 min Q&A
Rachel Grange, ETHZ   13h45 14h10 + 5 min Q&A
Michael Geiselmann, Ligentec 14h15 14h40 + 5 min Q&A
Bryan Kelleher,  University College Cork 15h00 15h25 + 5 min Q&A
Prof. Sylvain Gigan, Sorbonne 15h30 15h55 + 5 min Q&A
Alejandro Giacomotti, CNRS/C2N 16h00 16h25 + 5 min Q&A
Panel discussion 16h30 16h55 + 5 min Q&A
Networking Apero,  wine  

27 April, 2023

All day

EPFL Lausanne
Auditorium BM 5202, see EPFL - PLAN

Accomodation is availabe at a special price at the Starling Hotel situated at EPFL.
Place the reservation here using the “corporate code” EPFL1025 .
Please make sure to choose the correct rate EPFL as some of the other rates are prepaid and nonrefundable and non-modifiable.

Support from the EPFL School of engineering is gratefully acknowledged.

We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsoring by:

All participants are expected to adhere to the highest professional standards.

Contact EPFL
Prof. Kirsten Moselund

Contact Swissphotonics
Dr. Christian Bosshard
Managing Director Swissphotonics
+61 455 957 792

5 March 2023, Christian Bosshard
Riccardo Sapienza, Imperial College London
Complex lasers as a resource for neuromorphic computing
Neda Ghofraniha, Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Rome
Disordered, ordered and hybrid microlasers
Rasmus Ellebæk Christiansen, DTU
Inverse design and topology optimization for nanophotonics
Nikolaos Farmakidis, Oxford
Hybrid nanophotonic systems for in-memory computing at the interface of optics and electronics
Rachel Grange, ETHZ  
Lithium Niobate on Insulator Photonic Networks as an Integrated Scattering Platform
Michael Geiselmann, Ligentec
Photonic Integrated Circuits for Advanced Optical Computing
Bryan Kelleher, University College Cork
Optically injected quantum dot lasers as integrating neurons
Prof. Sylvain Gigan, Sorbonne
Optical computing with a complex medium: reservoir computing and beyond
Alejandro Giacomotti, CNRS/C2N
Symmetry breaking and exceptional points in coupled photonic crystal nanolasers
Rachel Grange
Panel discussion: Applications of neuromorphic photonics
Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |